Ideation  is the first stage of collaboration initiation between a small retail company and a small digital company. The ideation is where it all starts and is done by both small commerce company (including small retail, commerce, hospitality, and cultural/creative businesses in commercial areas, that will be named hereafter  as  ‘small retail company’ . The small retail company wants to provide own products/services online and uses the services of  the Small digital company. Small retail companies are the ones that mostly realise  that they  should be  online in order to broaden their business and/or their customer base. With the concept of  having to go online and having a perspective  on how to do that, some issues might arise that are worth considering for smooth cooperation with a small digital company. The concerns below are derived from surveys with small retail and small digital companies about their  joint collaboration and are selected specifically for the Ideation stage:

  • No experience in such collaboration yet
  • Knowledge of the digital sector and its operation
  • Knowledge on all digital transformation benefits

From these concerns  we can detect several skills and knowledge that can be developed in order to tackle these better . In ideation we will be discussing :

  • What is ideation?
  • How can Small Commerce generate ideas?
  • How can Small Digital create an offer?
  • Co-creating

With these skills and knowledge in mind you the following learning outcomes will be achieved  after reflecting on  the ideation stage:

  • Know how to co-create a digital solution for your Small Commerce business together with the Small Digital sector.
  • Know how to co-create a product or service for the Small Commerce sector.
  • Understand the characteristics and particularities of each other’s sector.
  • Know how to implement a co-creation process within the context of ideation and which tools can be useful in the process.

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