The following modules of LETZ RETAIL are relevant to you if you want to know more about ideation and its different aspects, or you are interested in learning more about co-creation and co-design.

  • Unit 1 about CREATIVITY, explains what creativity is, how can you learn it, how to become more creative and introduces relevant creativity Techniques, including the specific creativity techniques for co-creating/ co-design.
  • Unit 7 is about PROBLEM SOLVING and includes content such as: What does problem solving mean in business?; What are the goals of problem solving?; How to develop problem solving skills? And How to solve internal problems in companies?
  • Unit 9 about CO-CREATION and CO-DESIGN introduces you to the principles of co-creation and co-design (and the benefits of a effective co-creation/co-design process between stakeholders). Explains in more detail how to carry a co-creation and/or co-design process, and know how to use co-creation and co-design for jointly ideating and developing new products or services. It also describes how to motivate, mobilise and engage others in co-creation and co-design processes, and understand the implication and follow-up implications with regards to co-created products and services

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