What can you do when small commerce is not agreeing with the way

the results are looking. Do you have to look for the middle ground or do you push

your idea?

Tips & tricks

  • Listen to the input from small commerce
  • Look at the possibilities for changes
  • Persuade when there are no other options.


During the preparation you as a small digital company have made a plan to  transform the administration of a small commerce company to an online environment. You created some plans, which you followed. The first deadline is reached and you present your current results. However, the small commerce company is not happy, they believe you have done something totally different. As they believe you have done something totally different, you are first trying to understand what they expected. Once you have figured this out, you try to connect the previous expectations to the current once and see where the overlap is. Since there is some overlap, you can adjust the new expectations to the old expectations without changing too much and doing too

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