Small Digital should focus on evaluating their input, such as the effectiveness of the digital solutions provided, the timeliness of the deliverables, and the quality of the work, following the steps below:

  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure the success of their efforts, such as website traffic, conversion rates, and user engagement metrics. This will help determine if the digital solutions provided were effective in achieving their intended outcomes.
  • Assess the quality of the digital solutions provided, considering factors such as user experience, design, and functionality. This will help identify any areas where the digital solutions can be improved to better meet users’ needs.
  • Evaluate the timeliness of the deliverables, including adherence to deadlines, promptness in addressing issues, and responsiveness to changes in project scope. This will help ensure timely delivery of digital solutions and prevent delays in project completion.

Tips & Tricks

  • Define clear and specific goals for the digital solutions provided to guide the evaluation process.
  • Collect feedback from end-users to gain insight into their experience with the digital solutions and identify areas for improvement.
  • Use project management tools and techniques to improve communication and coordination between team members and ensure timely delivery of deliverables.

Relevant Practices

  • Establish a process for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of digital solutions to identify areas for improvement and ensure continuous improvement.
  • Invest in user research and usability testing to ensure that digital solutions meet the needs and expectations of end-users.
  • Implement agile project management methodologies to promote flexibility and responsiveness to changing project requirements.
Checklist ItemsYes/No
Have you identified relevant KPIs to measure the success of your digital solutions? 
Have you assessed the quality of the digital solutions provided? 
Have you evaluated the timeliness of deliverables? 
Have you collected feedback from end-users? 
Have you established a process for ongoing monitoring and evaluation? 
Have you invested in user research and usability testing? 
Have you implemented agile project management methodologies? 

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