As a small commerce businesses, you have taken a decision to explore the possibilities digital tools and technologies offer for your business. But where does one start?

The best is to start off in the same manner as you do when developing a new product or service, ie ideation. In this case the ideation process focuses on ideating a solution for a need/problem you have and want to solve (or improve) with the use of a digital tool or technology.

Before entering the how, here a short introduction on ideation.

Ideation is the creative process by which an individual, a group or an organisation generates, elaborates, develops, communicates and evaluates new ideas on a given topic. In this sense, it is assumed that ideas are the basic element of thought and can be visual, abstract or concrete and, therefore, the ideation process aims both to generate ideas and to polish them so that they are viable, feasible and add value.

Using a co-creation approach in combination with Ideation tools can assist you in thinking outside the box, challenging previous assumptions, and exploring new possibilities. They can assist you in generating an idea that can turn into a successful one and lay the groundwork for taking advantage of digital tools and technologies, if you are a small commerce business, or develop new ideas for services or products if you are a small digital company.

Just bear in mind: Unless and until you make an idea work, it is just that: an idea.

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