Understand how to act if new opportunities arise. Are the costs and time changes reasonably to deviate from the plan or are we keeping to the plan.

Tips & tricks

  • Look at the possibilities for new opportunities
  • Check what it means for the collaboration


  • A big new opportunity is how to intertwine artificial intelligence. A collaboration between small commerce and small digital small commerce wants to use AI in their already existing collaboration. Before the news about AI they had never discussed this. Small digital does not see the use of changing the plans. In order to see why small commerce wants to use AI, small digital is asking the company about the impact small commerce expects from AI. From this talk it becomes clear that small commerce likes the new technology, yet does not know how to intertwine it. Because of this, digital decides to not use AI, of course in consultation with small commerce.
  • During the collaboration of company A and Company D, there  are new technological advantages, which can be helpful in making the reservation system for company A better. Company D does not need to spend more time, maybe even less. Company D shows how it works and what it brings as a benefit to company A, however, on the downside it costs quite a bit. As Company D needs less time due to this new technology, they propose that the cost which otherwise would go to their hours, can go to the use of this program. Company A agrees and the collaboration proceeds with this new technology.


  • Are there new opportunities?
  • Is the new opportunity doable cost wise?
  • Is the new opportunity doable time wise?
  • Does it bring extra value to the collaboration?
  • Does not ceasing the new opportunity cause troubles for the future?

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