In the LETZ RETAIL course there is a full unit on co-creation in general. Here only a brief summary of the main take aways relevant for our purpose, the full unit can be accessed here.

For a process of co-creation in which several small commerce businesses to find a joint solution as mentioned before, please refer to LETZ RETAIL co-creation.

This section focusses on the specifics of a co-creation process with small commerce and small digital businesses, and assumes that it is the small commerce business that takes the initiative for the co-creation process, although we also give some ideas if it is the initiative comes from a small digital business.

Main take-aways of LETZ RETAIL for our co-creation context are:

  1. Take your time to think carefully about what your motivations for co-creating are and what results you are hoping to achieve. Which are the main objectives of the co-creation process? You have already created the basic idea, based on this should carefully define the objective of the co-creation, as you will need to communicate clearly the objectives of the process and what you expect to get out of it.
  2. Once you have this clear, you need think about the digital expert or small digital company you want to involve. There is a vast offer of companies and businesses offering digital solutions, of course the type of solution you have ideated will allow to filter out those businesses that are not relevant, there is still a lot to choose from. There is no one single solution but there are several channels you can you use:
    • Talk to other business owners or managers from your sector or other sectors, and ask for references on small digital businesses they worked with;
    • Look at the references from other clients, or cases/examples from the businesses on their websites, and look for those that have prior experience in your sector;
    • Use events and other networking opportunities to have informal conversations with representatives of the small digital businesses and get to know them better.

If you are a small digital company initiating the process the same applies, but with the difference that you will look for a small commerce business that you think would be interested and benefit from engaging in the co-creation process with you. Before inviting them to the process, see if you share common values and if there are “good vibes” a good connection with the persons you will be intensely working with in the co-creation is important. Have meetings with several companies and try and find your match.

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